French in Greece- Non Majority Culture Blog
The majority of people in Greece are Greek. They're pretty chill for the most part but they are irrelevant as far as this blog is concerned. While I interacted with many Greek people, I also interacted a couple different times with French people. Whenever I had the chance to interact with people from France I got excited because it made me feel like studying French for seven years was worth it. The two interactions with French people in Greece are the only times I have actually held a French conversation out of the classroom. I even had two French speakers from Rwanda living in my house in high school and I only tried to speak French with them once before realizing it was pointless. I have a hard enough time understanding English. People's words get mixed up in my brain, especially when someone is speaking fast. It's especially bad in music, I once had a teacher call me "lyrically challenged." As a little kid, I thought the John Mayer song that says "say wha...